The Black Friday offer is valid from 23rd November 2022 (00:01 GMT) until 27th November 2022 (11:59 GMT) The Offer applies to purchases made at on selected items. The total price may increase if you select a special size nibs (Stub flexy, Cursive Italic Flexy, Broad Flexy, Architect, Chinese, Cursive Italic, Left Oblique). This Offer cannot be combined with any other promo codes, offers, sales or discounts, is not valid outside the Discount Period. Resale or bulk buying is forbidden. This Offer is subject to stock availability. Any eligible returns shall be refunded at the discounted price. Santini Italia reserves the right to cancel, amend, terminate or temporarily suspend this Offer in the event of any circumstances outside its reasonable control. By redeeming this Offer you have accepted and agreed to be bound by these terms and conditions. Santini Italia reserves the right to refuse to apply the Offer if you breach these terms and conditions. If you have questions please contact our Customer Assistance.