How to find the right nib for your handwriting?
The nib is the vital part of any fountain pen. It determines the quality of the handwriting. Quality and writing comfort depend on the material and workmanship of the nib. The production of good fountain pen nibs demands much experience, precision and skills.
Each nib is researched, produced and polished by hand. By adjusting the position of the fountain pen in the hand, each individual is able to find the most comfortable writing position. Our company produce solid gold nibs in different sizes and can personalize a nib for you if you have a special request.

Flexy & Superflexy gold nib.
Our flexy gold nib goes through many stamping and laminating steps, to reach a half of the thickness of the regular one, the hole at the end of the slit in the middle of the nib, is positioned further back than the regular ones.
With a little pressure of your hand, with our F Flexy nib, you can go from F to M & Broad size.
A regular flexy nib has a medium high flexibility and it is indicated for everyday writing. The nib is very soft and pleasant on writing.
A Superflexy nib has a bigger flexibility of a regular flexy. Due to its very high flexibility it needs a big ink flow and for the correct and pleasant use requires a slow writing. This nib can be compared to the vintage flexible nibs and it is more indicated for calligraphy writing.
After many tests we are pleased to inform our customers, that the best performance of our flexy nib is only with our special ebonite feeder expressly made for it. The reason is that an easy and quick flexibility requires a bigger and constant flow of ink.
Hence, we are sorry to inform you that only the piston filling models can mount our flexy nib and it is not available on all models. All the same we are working in order to give the best performance also for the converter pens in the future.
Flexy nib is currently available on models: Libra, Libra Ebonite, Michelangelo, Calypso, Nonagon, Tour Eiffel, Costa Smeralda, Laguna Blue, Cumberland..
What do you need to know about Cursive Italic nib.
Cursive Italic nib is very popular among the chosen nibs, but not everyone knows, that Italic exists in different versions. This type of nib is generally used for calligraphy and therefore, sometimes, requires some experience and preparation in writing. Surely this type of the nib will give a lot of personality to the writing. Our Cursive Italic nib has a line size 1.1 mm x 0.6 mm and it is perfect for everyday writing. Usually we produce a regular Cursive Italic, not sharp or crisp, please specify in your order if you are interested in a different type of Italic.
Types of Cursive Italic:

Solid Rose Gold nib 18 kt
Completely produced by a 18 Kt rose gold stripe.
To create this nib we used a alloy that kept the 750 thousandths of pure gold, but adding for the rest of the alloy only copper and it was necessary to develop a differentiated production, as the metal made harder by copper needs several rolling passages to prevent the too hardened metal from breaking.
A real Italian craftsmanship. Available on Libra Cumberland Bronze model and on request on all Libra Series.
We produce solid rose gold nib 18 kt in sizes: XF, F, M, B, STUB, Cursive Italic, Architect, Left Oblique, Chinese Calligraphy and Flexy.
find a perfect nib size for your handwriting experience...
Point sizes indicated in the following tests are just for reference. Being the point finished by hand, the size may vary 10-15% of the indicated measures.

Our Extra fine nib has a point size 0.5 mm. Extra fine nib is the nib of choice for those of you with small handwriting, allowing for small lettering without your counter shapes joining up. They are also ideal for writers looking to fit a lot of words into a small space, such as a week-to-view diary. Due to its very small point this nib is less smooth than a regular Fine nib.EXTRA FINE

Our fine nib has a point size 0.7 mm. It has a thin writing line. This size of the width is approximately 0.2mm finer than the medium nib width. Fine is especially suitable for people with small handwriting. This nib is very smooth and pleasant on writing.

Our Medium nib has a point size 0.9 mm. It has a medium writing line. The most common nib size. Best suited for general purpose writing, signatures. This nib is very smooth and pleasant on writing.

Our Broad nib has a point size 1.2 mm. It has a broad writing line. Perfect for quick signatures, letter writing, journaling. Writers who enjoy the fine qualities of their ink on paper. This nib is very smooth and wet on writing.

Our STUB nib has a point size 1.1 mm. The defining characteristic of a stub nib is its shape. Instead of having a round ball of tipping material to create a monoline, the rectangular shape of the stub nib provides a broader vertical downstroke and a thin horizontal one. The purpose is to add a calligraphic flair to your handwriting.
Best suited for aspiring calligraphers, adding a touch of flair to your everyday writing. Those who love seeing the depth of their ink on paper. The nib is smooth on writing.

Our Cursive Italic nib has a point size 1.1 mm. Designed to give extreme line variation between wide down-strokes and narrow side-strokes in the manner of a calligraphy pen. A cursive italic nib is similar to a Stub nib but has rounded corners to allow normal handwriting and greater line variation.
Best suited for aspiring calligraphers, adding a touch of flair to your everyday writing. Those who love seeing the depth of their ink on paper. The nib is smooth on writing.

Our flexy gold nib goes through many stamping and laminating steps, to reach a half of the thickness of the regular one, the hole at the end of the slit in the middle of the nib, is positioned further back than the regulars one.
With a little pressure of your hand, with our F Flexy nib, you can go from F to M & Broad size. This nib has a medium / high flexibility that can be perfect for everyday writing. Best suited for: calligraphy, embellished signatures, other general purpose writing (when not using the flex).

Our superflexy gold nib goes through double stamping and laminating steps respect a regualr flexy. Due to its very high flexibility it neds a double ink flow and is indicated for calligraphy, signatures. This nib require a very slow writing and not indicated for a regular use.

A flexy medium nib is a regular flexy nib that starts from the Medium point.
With a little pressure of your hand, with our M Flexy nib, you can go from M to Broad size. This nib has a medium / high flexibility that can be perfect for everyday writing. Best suited for: calligraphy, embellished signatures, other general purpose writing (when not using the flex).

To add a touch of personality on writing, we present a stub nib in flexy version . The nib has a point size 1.1 mm. The rectangular shape of the stub nib provides a broader vertical downstroke and a thin horizontal one and a flexibility of the nib offers a maggior lines variation. The purpose is to add a calligraphic flair to your handwriting.

Our knowledge is made directly on our experience with Chinese calligraphers. The nib is made like a "ship hull", it starts from a broad point that is cut in both sides to become thinner and almost pointed "at the very point". In this way, its writing wider in horizontal "medium broad" , still wide going down, if you keep your hand in a normal angel, but as much you go to the very point of the nib, that means using the very end of the nib it becomes thin.
The iridium point is shaped like a long triangle.
Nib test before shipping.
satisfaction is our priority. All our nibs going through many different tests
during and after the production. To offer you the best service and the guarantee
of the perfect performance, each nib is
mounted on the tester pen and checked for writing before shipping.
Along with the order, you will receive a test letter of your nib writing.

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We are always happy to help!